16th May 2023
At our meeting for May 2023 we had a packed agenda. It was great to have all Board members in attendance:
Chair-Andrew Mulligan
Vice Chair-Sarah Greene
Director/ Treasurer-Ally McLean
Director/Liaison officer- Lanie Clark
Director/EPC Megan Joerg
Director Katherine Smith
Director / Communications-Anita Marchesani
Appointed Secretary-Amanda Hutt
Our treasurer reported finances in a secure position with $32,946 in net assets. States are now being paid more frequently for rider levies. All accounts have been paid. One of our expenses has been in website development and design for the redesign of the website.
Our membership position is very strong with 1149 members with rider levies to the end of April. This is growing considerably as new clubs come on line and as clubs start their activities for the year. Please remember all riders undertaking Working Equitation activities in ANWE affiliated clubs should have a Rider Levy from Nominate before attending an ANWE Working Equitation competition, training day or activity.
The Board also agreed to increase levy fees with CPI for next financial year. ANWE Levy fees for 2023/24 will be $30 Single and $55 for families.
The Board has agreed to suspend the implementation of the Governance Subcommittee and review the complaints procedure in the ANWE Membership Protection Policy. This will ensure complaints are being dealt with at the appropriate level and members will have a transparent pathway when lodging complaints. It was decided that when complaints are escalated to Board level, the Chair will form a tribunal to deal with the complaint within set timeframes for a response.
We are excited to announce the new ANWE Website went live on the 12th of May 2023. We are still tweaking photos and documents for ease of access so please be patient with us! A big thank you to Lanie Clark and Anita Marchesani for your tireless efforts in our website improvements.
Reports from the both the ANWE Technical Sub Committee and ANWEL Education and Performance Committee were received for the month. We are pleased with the progress that is being made on the rule book review submissions and the review of the ANWE dressage tests. The Board will continue to work closely with both committees to ensure we meet the expected timelines.
The ANWE Board finalised the ANWE State and Club MOU’s ready for distribution to States prior to end of June.
Andrew Mulligan- ANWE Chair
The ANWE Secretary is best in the 1st instance, or for general info.
Chair Andrew Mulligan: anwelchair@anwe.org.au
Vice Chair Sarah Greene: ANWELboard6@anwe.org.au
Secretary (appointed) Amanda Hutt: anwelsecretary@anwe.org.au
Treasurer Ally Mclean: treasurer@anwe.org.au
Liaison Officer Lanie Clark: anwelliaison@anwe.org.au
Director/Communications Officer Anita Marchesani: ANWELboard9@anwe.org.au
Director/EPC Megan Joerg: ANWELboard7@anwe.org.au
Director Katherine Smith: ANWELboard5@anwe.org.au