New Judge Education Website

Are you prepared for the Nationals with Claudia Matos in November?  Are you ready for the new ANWE Judge Education and Assessment program for 2025? ANWE is pleased to share we have a new Judge Education Resource Website, prepared by our International Judge Candidates with all the materials and information you will need. When Maggie […]

ANWE Spring 2024 Newsletter

Quick update from the ANWE Board to let you know what has been going on. The ANWE Board meet every month. We have been inviting Individual states to the board meetings so they have a regular platform to raise any issues they might have. The board also holds a combine States meeting 4 times a […]

Lets Grow the Sport Together

Cattle phase of Working Equitation Australia- congratulating team members

The ANWE Board would like to remind all members that one of the key goals of our sport is to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all participants. We have a Code of Conduct and other policies, such as the Social Media Policy, to ensure that this is actively maintained. Everyone has a responsibility […]

New ANWE Coaching Course Update

ANWE recognises the important role coaches play in not only educating Working Equitation enthusiasts, but also in the development of the sport to the highest levels. To bring our sport here in Australia into line with WAWE we need to have a cohesive and orthodox approach to the education of our coaches. This will ensure […]

ANWE Judge Course Update- April 2024

Working Equitation Judge Training

ANWE Judge Course Update. Judges play a key role in educating Working Equitation riders and ensuring that we stay closely aligned with the principles and standards of WAWE. They commit to upholding the highest standards, strive for excellence and act as advocate for the horse. Our judges seek education and knowledge to constantly improve and […]