The Garrocha
ANWE Newsletter- WINTER 2023
Welcome to the WINTER 2023 edition of THE GARROCHA! With this issue we begin a new approach to the ANWE news, focusing on timely info relating to our sport, our people, and our latest updates on what’s happening right now.
Competition info, Member news, Club and State updates, and Photos are all very welcome so THE GARROCHA! can be as entertaining and informative as possible. Contributions are welcome.
Your editor and roving reporter is Lanie Clark, ANWEL Board Director & Liaison Officer Feedback and contributions are most welcome.
Our new website
Your board is pleased to announce that the new and greatly improved ANWE website is up and running! Revisions are ongoing so please be patient while we continue to make improvements. And if you have any observations or questions, please contact us.
The new website is a wealth of information on the Working Equitation sport in Australia.
- History of our sport
- Description of the 4 phases in Working Equitation
- Link to Membership form
- Links to State Associations
- Events as submitted by the states
- News updates from the board, including rule amendments and other important info
- Rule Book
- Dressage Tests including Maps
- Ease of Handling (EOH) Icons
- Accredited Judges List (updated regularly)
- Judge Accreditation Framework and Forms
- Accredited Coaches List
- Coach Accreditation Form
- Club Support Pack
- Constitution, Policies, Committee Terms of Reference
- Gorgeous photos… and much more!
Whenever warranted, we release updated and new policies and guidance materials. Please be sure to make yourself acquainted with these important documents.
Upcoming Events
You can now see all upcoming WE events listed on Nominate on the Events page. If your event is missing, please let us know via the contact us page and we can list if for you.
Get Involved and know what’s happening.
We would love to see you get involved in supporting working equitation. Helping us out will enable you to make new contacts, strengthen the sport, develop your skills, AND make you happy, healthy, and wise (according to research 😊).
You may be interested in joining an ANWE subcommittee and become a key contributor in developing, promoting and administering working equitation in Australia. We guarantee you’ll learn things that will improve your own skills as a rider. Go to the new website to find out more about these great groups:
- Technical Subcommittee (TSC)
- Education and Performance Subcommittee (EPC)
Share some news
Send us a story, pic, or YouTube video to share proud moments, training tips, extraordinary people or horses you have known, etc. Your submission may well be included in the next GARROCHA!